Does Xano work with FlutterFlow?

Hello Xano Community, 

I have completed most of my backend database and logic in Xano, and am looking for a suitable frontend no-code tool to quickly deploy my app (deploying for mobile-only first). I am currently using Bravo, but unfortunately I'm facing issues in their data-binding section as they have screen and other app size limitations. After researching other frontend no-code tools, I came across FlutterFlow and was unsure if it had any limitations.

So my question is, would I be able to use Xano as the backend and for authentication (preferably Magic Link) in FlutterFlow?

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!


  • Chris Coleman
    Chris Coleman Administrator


    Hi, Inshal! You can definitely use Xano with FlutterFlow. Auth is always tricky, but I don't expect you to run into any issues. If you do, we're here in the community, in support chat, and we have weekly office hours sessions to help you work through any issues!
  • Brett Lewis
    Brett Lewis Member
    Hey Inshal. Have you looked at Adalo? 
    I've starting playing with it and it's holding promise for my use cases.
    But I'd be keen to hear more about your experiences with FlutterFlow - that was on my shortlist too but my requirements are pretty simple and Adalo seemed to be simpler than FlutterFlow, with a flatter learning curve.
  • Patrick Dight

    I have been looking at this myself. I can only make GET calls work with Authentication.

    As far as I can tell the "Alternative Parameter Method" described here... only works with GET calls.

    There is no way in FlutterFlow to set up a Header argument with a local state variable so it has to be passed in the query string. GET calls are OK but I don't see a way to POST data to Xano from FlutterFlow assuming you want the request authenticated. This is quite a restriction.

    Could the Alternative Parameter Method be extended to none GET calls?

    Am I missing something  ?
  • Patrick Dight
    So I found that it can be done in Flutterflow using an undocumented feature...