When table A references another table B, how do you select the field in table B that is displayed in

This might seem complicated but here goes.  Table references do not seem to working here.[table upset.jpg]in the background are the table references page.  In the foreground (bottom right) is the table nonprofit_premium_art (table A). 

Table A references artworks (table B).  That's the RED arrow.  One might expect that each artworks_id would be unique and different.  Instead they "appear" to reference the artist id field (#14 in this case).  Hence the values are all the same.  This is not correct.

Any ideas to sort this out?


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


     - Everything appears correct. It looks like there is a table reference in your artworks table to your artist table, this field is being displayed due to your auto-complete settings. I think there is confusion because of the auto-complete data you are displaying for that table reference. I'd recommend adding the (primary) id field, or another field that helps you visualize things, to be displayed in your artworks table (open the settings icon in the top right, then select auto-complete). There's more details and a tutorial in our documentation