How to catch repeating task errors?

I have a task that is executing a single function. Sometimes there are errors within that function stack, which will stop the task process. I would like to set notifications for myself (telegram) when this happens but couldn't find a way so far. Can't use the function's output with a conditional since it may not even get to that step.[image.png]Any suggestions?


  • Brett Lewis
    Brett Lewis Member
    I believe the try/catch function is in the works.

    In the meantime perhaps there is a way to use a precondition or if/then inside that function you are calling, to try and trap that 'error'?
  • Valentin R
    Valentin R Member
     that would have to be a precondition on every step of the stack then. Multiplied by ~10 in my case, for all the tasks. Will be waiting for new releases :)
  • Brett Lewis
    Brett Lewis Member
     Yes, I see the problem.
    I'm coming from Integromat, where, if a automation errors out, an email is sent.
    I would love to see the same here - perhaps I should code better - but I find this really convenient to get proactive notifications when my automations are running into trouble.