magic token to auth token is not valid

I am running the magic link flow. From the magic link token, I convert it to auth token but that auth token is not valid. I can't call any API with that auth token. The auth token which I get in exchange for the magic token gives me the unauthorized error. Please help me


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Hey  I would verify that you have everything synced up to the correct user table - including your Create Authentication Token function.

    We are also holding office hours tonight where we can help you over screenshare if you still need more assistance. 
  • Mary Jane Pender
    Hey  ... I could use a pair of Xano eyes on my connection process to Adalo.  
    Everything worked on the Xano side as per the videos that Prakash produced but when I get to adalo I run into problems right at setting up the LogIn page in Adalo.  Here is the error code when I clicked on Next in Adalo:
    "message": "Unauthorized - Authentication Required"
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Hi  does this pertain to magic link auth or standard auth? Are you able to check your API request when you hit that error for that endpoint? This will show you what Adalo sent to Xano so you can see anything missing.

    If you still need some help after that feel free to sign up for an office hours and we can look together.