Handling No Response from Dialogflow CX with Xano

Sharing my Xano setup on Loom how to deal with no response from the Dialogflow CX  (DFCX) chatbot using the built-in methods matchIntent and fulfillIntent provided by Google's Dialogflow CX v3 APIs.


Also using the 'don't hit the wall' by slowing down and checking if what you want exits or not, and the replace filters, both powerful tools/ideas that I learned from you  😃, so much more to learn.

I tried to learn about 'Union field' and Google's API 'Types' but could not found docs that explained them in a clear manner. Search results for, "Google's API 'Types' " brought info talking about data types like string, number, Boolean and etc..  Even though I am using both, it would be nice to know what they are, any explanations and or resources to learn more would be great.

Hey , hope you are well. This PRO program has been awesome, and  is worth his weight in Gold and more. 

Now that I have the foundation ready by automating refresh access tokens with Google's service account and GoHighLevel's (GHL) OAuth2 access token, and building for error handling for the most part will need to improve. 

Next step is working on posting variables collected by DFCX to GHL's custom fields, getting available times (dates/times) for appointment, sharing that with leads who are booking, and able to work on actual appointments that can be rescheduled, cancelled. 

Also, if you saw my video, the DFCX chatbot has a monolithic design, would work on breaking down into multiple flows that does one thing well.

For all's benefit, I have come across a great organization teaching machine learning called DVC.org, need to apply it to my dataset to predict quotes more accurately. I am using Google's Vertex AI, and it works, but accuracy is not great. 

I hope that you reading this can benefit and do awesome stuff. This was posted in the PRO group, it is by invite only now, and very lucky to be part of this group. I hope this group is open to everyone very soon. 

