Simple get using a variable... scalar value error?

I'm using a GET to obtain the id value of a table reference - the id,  That value happens to be 14 as int.
I'm validating that it exists in a conditional before using the value (14) in a subsequent GET request.  The second GET request

matching the table record id to the value obtained in the first GET - 14. I'm getting this error:[scalar value.jpg]The query is kinda duh...
[scalar value 02.jpg]testing in "Stop & Debug" artist_id is 14.  A single entity.  Why am I ending up with two entities (first image)?  This query works as expected using the numerical 14 value, but not the var field_value artist_id



  • Inayet Hadi
    Inayet Hadi Member
     Looks like artist_id is an object to get value in the field_name do artist_id.artist_id that will give you the number 14. 

    #I could be wrong as I am learning
  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭
     is on the right track. And if it keeps bothering you past the weekend, please bring it to our Statechange Pro office hours on Monday! 
  • David Richardson
    I noticed that too, object not the value.  So to obtain the VALUE there are the "quick" get / set filters. I hard coded the value 14 in the input, I'm getting the expected results.  The debugger:
    [scalar value 10.jpg]
    The input field value is 14 in BLUE, not the object as before.
    So the logic of this feeble brain is that I need to "filter" the object to get it's value - 14 which should be the scalar value I'm looking for.  The "quick filters GET and SET" appear to be the method on this.[scalar value 08.jpg]But no joy on this either.  I'm getting null - the default - not 14.  That's not expected.[scalar value 09.jpg]I verified that artist_id is an object and the value IS 14, NOT null (in a stop and debug)
  • Inayet Hadi
    Inayet Hadi Member
     try to delete null as the default value and instead leave it empty and see what happens [image.png]
  • Inayet Hadi
    Inayet Hadi Member
     any luck?

    Apologies if my suggestions cause more confusion but the great thing is we are part of the PRO group to get assistance from top notch pros at an incredible offering. I believe that b/c of the PRO group offering my LOVE for Xano has increased by a magnitude of 3.87X
  • David Richardson
  • David Richardson
    I tried your suggestion deleting the "null" default and STILL got null. (?!?!?)  the gif is PERFECT!!!  
  • David Richardson
     That WAS it.  Thanks so much for your help.

    The GIF you sent was perfect for the way I feel sometimes
