Introducing Fuzzy Search ??

Michael Udinski
Michael Udinski Administrator


We are excited to announce our new and improved fuzzy search capabilities! This highly requested and anticipated feature includes a more performant search engine, normalization of words (i.e. party vs parties), case-insensitive support, flexible expressions (words, phrases, and negations), weighted priorities (i.e. title vs description) for relevance, and more!

Xano's new search features the database and query working as seamlessly together as ever. By creating a search index in a database table you can define the fields included in the search and their ranking of importance. The index becomes surfaced in the custom query so you can build a search on multiple fields with a single line! The ranking of importance allows you to sort the results based on relevance to the search parameters.

All of that is just the beginning! For step by step instructions on how to use the new fuzzy search and all the awesome other features check out our documentation.