How to Get Better with Using Xano's Postgres DB Options?

Good Morning      !

I want to get better with using Xano as I want, and one of my challenges that I am encountering is what I want to happen does not, and so I wanted to ask few questions and would ❤️ your advice, recommendations, and resources. 

(1) Do you think if I took some basic Postgres SQL online courses, which Xano uses for the  backend, would that help me to use Xano more efficiently? Sometimes, I'll hear Ray, Sean, and others and others provide solutions that I did not think even possible. A

(2) Which sections of  Xano's documentation or non-Xano docs should I focus on that help me to use Xano like a PRO? 

My goal right now is not become Postgres expert but I am finding that my lack of sufficient knowledge is hindering me of what is all possible that Xano offers us.


  • Inayet Hadi
    Inayet Hadi Member
    Having the dot notation present us with options would be HUGE, why? Because then I can focus what I want returned, stored, and visually see what is happening. I have seen this with vs code for certain languages and extensions. It would be a little bad as it will remove the motivation to learn more about Postgres, which atm I am okay with, I just want stuff to work. Once stuff is working then focusing on how to improve it and make it better,

    Created a feature request on Xano's Idea Board

    Please comment and upvote if this would be helpful
  • Inayet Hadi
    Inayet Hadi Member
    Re-watching videos that I had watched initially before getting hands-on experience , making more sense, continue with creating educational resources. Thank you Xano leadership and team!
  • Chris Coleman
    Chris Coleman Administrator


     Hey Inayet! I definitely understand the desire for a sort of 'autocomplete' version of dot notation -- however I did want to mention something that you may be aware of, but if not, it can be quite helpful.

    Let's say I'm querying all records, and want to update a variable with something from inside that record. Instead of trying to remember the dot notation for that path, and to save myself from typing it at all, I can use sub path to do the work for me.

    First, I'd run my query and copy the results to my clipboard.
    Then in whatever new function I'm building, in this case a Create Variable, I'd select the variable my results are stored in, and click Sub Path.[image.png]Paste the result in the box and click Define.[image.png]Xano will parse the entire structure of the result, and you can just click on the value you want, and we'll auto-fill the dot notation for you.
  • Inayet Hadi
    Inayet Hadi Member
     the Sub Path and Curl command import are just a few of the things  that I love about Xano.   just opened up the PRO group to the rest of Xano community, he is my secret weapon/sauce besides Xano being an awesome tool he is powering up my fast development.  For 3 months he has a special only for only $179 or $69 per month, plus the yearly rate is even better. The value that Ray has provided me personally in these few weeks is just amazing. I am a member of goHighLevel developer slack group, and what some new people want can be done so easily with Xano, and if they are like me who gets stuck from time to have Ray by my side is just amazing.😀
  • Mauro Mequelussi-1595850

    I prefer to use the filter Get, because if a sub path doesn't come in the json for some reason, Xano returns an error. with get I can set a default value in case the key is not found in the json.