Is there a way to control the display of specific visual elements of Bravo Studios using Xano's back

More specifically we are creating a progress bar in Bravo Studios and have been told that we would create multiple states of the progress bar and it's different positions through creating states/instances in Figma and making those states/instances controllable by our backend. Anyone with any ideas on how to do this (bear in mind the high level question please)? 

Thank you and look forward to chatting! 


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    The progress bar would need to change based on a value you are receiving from a Xano API... for example maybe if they complete 5 tasks then it results in a value of 1 for the progress bar, 10 tasks result in a value of 2, etc. the progress bar in Bravo Studio would just need to be able to take a defined value to fill X amount of the progress bar