The future of Xano Marketplace

Hey just wondering if your going to add the ability to allow agencies to sell endpoint packs on the marketplace. And if so will you make it so the logic in those endpoints can’t be seen?

Bubble kind of does this with plugins and although there are some drawbacks I know that it has been a large part of their growth, agencies who exclusively build on bubble and has been great for the users who need but can’t build particular solutions.


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Hey  we do have lots of plans for expanding the marketplace/Snippets... I will add that Agencies already have a Private Marketplace where they can create Private Snippets, these come with a one-time use link. We have Agencies on Xano leveraging this to charge for endpoint packs they sell to their clients :) 
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    We certainly want to make this more seamless in the future but just in case you need it now, there is a solution with the Private Snippet route
  • Inayet Hadi
    Inayet Hadi Member
    Hello , it would be nice for agencies/members to sell, share free of charge with other agencies/members. I think the ability to up vote good snippets  will bring quality to the forefront. 

     and  I created a post on the Ideas, please upvote and invite others if you agree and like the idea/

    "Xano Marketplace for Agencies and Members to Sell, Share for Free without Any Obligation, Rent their Xano Creations to Other Agencies and Members"

  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


     Having citizen developers contribute to the marketplace/snippets has always been the plan from the beginning. It's going to take some time to get this right but we'll get there :) 
  • Inayet Hadi
    Inayet Hadi Member
     From novice like myself, building and learning 'software' is that it will never stop improving as long as you have humans focused on it. Trying to show my bot to the current client he thought  that was final product, and I am like no that is a beta and will constantly get better. I guess most people think of it like a building or car that is built  and afterwards rarely changes, the awesome part of Xano and  PRO group is that he is teaching me to overcome my hurdles and challenges of what I want to do with Xano, and he is giving me confidence to be free to try and get better.