Merging branches


Is there a way to merge api endpoints / function between branches?
Here's the case:
• i'm working on a branch named "business"  and add some business logic to a function
• my coworker working on an another api endpoint on a branch named "apis"

When i'm done, i want him to get all my modifications in his branch "apis".
For now, i'm doing it manually, and it's painful...To be clear: we need git on Xano :)

Thanks for your help on that


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


     branches do not merge at this time. At the time of creating a branch it is an exact copy of the one you copied from. Branches are designed for you to work and develop on the new branch until you are satisfied with the changes, then you set that one live... then create the next one, keep building, and repeat the process
  • frederic
    frederic Member
    Thank you ,
    I understand how it works for now, I really hope that somedays working within a team we ll be easier in Xano. We've got an agency plan but we can't really work as an agency, with parallel building. I really love that tool, because it is convenient in many situations, but that part is a daily problem for us. I understand that you don't have  any plan for that in the roadmap, so, we ll continue to suffer I guess 😀 thanks a lot for your work and for helping us every day in that community 
  • Inayet Hadi
    Inayet Hadi Member
    Hi , Xano has  an idea board where you can create, invite others to vote for it, and vote for other ideas. The aim/hope is that will give the Xano leadership focus their energies that are demanded by the Xano community.