1.45.0 (July 19, 2022)

Sean Montgomery
Sean Montgomery Administrator


• new feature - duration filters for request history! easily find slow requests
• improvement - certificates from Outseta and other 3rd parties would sometimes have newlines striped out of the certificate due to a bad copy/paste. We now are automatically detecting that and fixing them on the fly.
• bug fix - deleting snippets weren't working properly in the Agency package private marketplace
• bug fix - schema version history addons were not using the proper multiplier (10 per unit)
• bug fix - javascript error when trying to manage a join on a json array
• bug fix - objects with 1 schema entry that would be hidden through the output's customize response would still show up

see more release notes


  • Mauro Mequelussi-1595850
    Duration Filters will help a lot.

    Do you have any predictions of a filter by Status Code, or when there is some other error in the logic?
  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


    we'll add status code filtering in the next release!
  • Mauro Mequelussi-1595850

    If you can have a centralized location with all Xano errors in functions and also in endpoints, that would be very interesting. or even a possibility to throw the logs somewhere when that happens. Is there anything being done in this direction?
  • Inayet Hadi
    Inayet Hadi Member
     that duration filter is awesome, before that I used to think that just because a function stack once run was tall that it was slow, and now with the new data, I can see which part of the function stack is slow. 

    Thanks to   in the PRO group that he brought that to my attention.
  • Inayet Hadi
    Inayet Hadi Member
    For me birthdays signified one year closer to death so I never celebrated them, however, there is something to celebrate, I and Xano version 1.45.0 were born on the same date. [McZdU5M5jpkmk.gif]
  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


     say what???? Happy birthday! Happy 🎂🎂🎂
  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


     status filtering is now released