Airtable Import

Hello I just did an airtable import and everything it is perfect. I would like to know if this will update when I add new data in airtable or I have to do something extra. Thanks


  • Meli
    Meli Member
  • Inayet Hadi
    Inayet Hadi Member
    Posting this here in case 's response above is overlooked. 

    "You can automate a process to sync with your airtable it with a scheduled task or the like. YOu will need to implement the logic for the sync yourself, AFAIK. It's not a one-click or one-block lego to do it. " ~Ray Deck

    Thank you Ray for your continued help, the PRO group in my opinion is what has made Xano sticky ie, the freedom to do what I want with Xano, and if I can't you are there during office hours to help me forward. I can only speak for myself, however, various members have expressed how much they value you.  
  • Ambroise
    Ambroise Member

    I have a similar need, keeping in sync a Xano base with an Airtable base.

    I guess I'll rely on Airtable automations

  • AlexJ
    AlexJ Member

    Hey Guys, i figured it out with the help of the XANO team. This is the loop you need to build Sync XANO with the Airtable API.
    Cheers Alex