<SOLVED > Range Filter Returns Keys Integers and Not Values , Maybe a Bug? Most Likely My Lack of Un

Hello All,

When I use the first filter on an array it gives me the first element of the array and the same thing with last filter gives me the last element of the array, however, using the range filter it seems to give me the keys in an integer form start at 4 and then the ends with 8 as opposed to giving me the values in the array at those range it just gives me numbers.  I've recorded a loom video and I would like for you guys' to provide your input, and if there is further readings, videos to watch, or think through about the range filter, I would love that and would help me out.


Thank you,


  • Inayet Hadi
    Inayet Hadi Member
    Finally got it the way I wanted it 92%, Will do a video later to go over in detail but now here are the images 
    Thank you  for your motivation in the office hours yesterday,  I am close only 8% left  
  • Inayet Hadi
    Inayet Hadi Member
    I had an hour worth of video recording and as I was recording I saw other stuff to improve and that had knock on effect on function stacks not work and the video just became  dead silent while I attempted to understand and figure out how to fix. Once I have a good enough solution will post and of course all of this will be publicly released. The PRO group led by  has sped up my development.