SOLVED: Message regarding password

Not sure if I'm doing something wrong but ...

I am using the 'run and debug' feature in the auth/signup end-point.
I received an error message 'Weak password detected. Please use at least 1 numbers.'

However, the password is 'Tony1234'.

Here's the specification for the password:[image.png]I set the minAlpha and minDigit to zero, but still got the error.


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


     can you please check how your password field is mapped in your add record function? The error is likely happening at that point - you can check the debugger to confirm this
  • Mr_English
    Hi   The form was ok - see screenshot below.  However, I solved the problem by unselecting and re-selecting 'password' and it worked.

    Note to self: check this form for similar issues in the future.
  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭
     your problem was that you were adding the word "password" into the password field, rather than the input password provided by the user. This happens all the time in Xano. In the future, monitor the upper-right corner on the black box. When it says "text" it means it is taking that word/phrase as literal. When it says "input:[something]" it is using an input from the top box. The latter is what you want, and what you will see when it works right.