Status page to check current Xano status?

Over the last 3-4 days I've encountered Xano outage twice (short periods, resolved within 10min). Do you guys have a status page I can check if this happens again?


  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


    Hi ,

    Since Xano uses a single tenant architecture, it would mean the outage is specifically with your instance. 

    Do you know if you had a traffic spike? It could be related to that.
  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


    I just realized you are on the free plan. The free plan is shared with lots of users. We do our best to make it as stable as possible, but every so often something gets ahead of us and it becomes less stable.

    The quick solution would be to upgrade to your own dedicated resources. 

    We'll continue to monitor the free instance and see if we notice any issues.
  • Tom
    Tom Member
    Ah I was getting worried this was affecting all Xano plans, thus not upgrading yet. Will do soon.
  • Tom
    Tom Member
    I've recorded a quick video today showing the problem on the free instance. It seems I can't even get inside on the site (in addition to API returning 500). Can you confirm this is affecting only those free instances?
  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


     found the issue. The free instance was getting a DOS attack. We just blocked the attacker and everything appears to be stable again.

    I'm guessing this is what you were seeing previously.
  • dthreatt
    dthreatt Member

    I just upgraded to scale 3x to get the cache functionality and functions and addons are totally dead. This is not a good look.

  • dthreatt
    dthreatt Member

    Oh wow now all my endpoints are dead.

  • dthreatt
    dthreatt Member

    Micheal got it all fixed. Great Customer Service!!

  • Peter
    Peter Member

    Hi Xano Team,

    We often get 'XanoRequestError: connect ECONNREFUSED' connection errors on our 2x Scale instance ... We really need a status page for our Xano instance...


  • Stefan Pointecker

    Same here. Today many errors on our endpoints AND in the xano interface (e.g. changing settings etc.)

  • Gavin McMurdo

    I've opened an enhancement request for a xano status page. Let's get it voted for so that xano can deliver this.

  • Ambroise

    I've noticed some issues a few minutes ago, couldn't load the Editor for a few minutes.