Xano and its connection to the frontend

On the Xano home page, it says: "Connection to Xano is done through the API, which in Xano's case is a REST API - nearly all front-ends are able to ingest RESTful APIs making Xano front-end agnostic."

I would have some questions as a non-tech individual:
1. If Xano is connected to the frontend through an API how are other backends connected (e.g. nodejs, firebase, supabase, etc.)?
2. Why don't other backends also use API as a method of connection? Are there any performance differences in using API vs. those other methods?


P.S: I am not very 'techy' so please consider this if my question might be not very intuitive / make sense-


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Hi  APIs are the connection between your backend/database and your front-end. Xano is the entire backend and provides every single aspect of it - including the API, which is used to connect to front-ends. The other services you mentioned also require an API in order to connect, but you have to build those yourself manually with code.
  • Seno
    Seno Member
    thanks for the reply  :). one other question for my understanding. why those other tools need SDKs to connect with the backend in a simpler way, while Xano can connect easily with any tool through API? what is going on differently under the hood?
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


     Now you're getting into part of the real magic of Xano :) You can create your APIs without writing code. Our No Code API builder is very unique, powerful, and a core piece of Xano's platform. It makes it so much easier and faster without sacrificing all the complexity and nuance you can accomplish with code!