Transfer workspaces to a different account

Georges Duverger
Georges Duverger Trusted Xano Expert
Hi. I'm using a Xano account for work. I'd like to move some of my workspaces to a different account, a personal one. Is there a way to do so? 😬


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


     this is a feature that allows Agency plans to do this so they can develop and transfer client work. 

    But go ahead and write me a note through support or with further details and we'll see what we can do for you
  • Georges Duverger
    Georges Duverger Trusted Xano Expert
     Got it. I'll gather all the details and email you shortly. Thanks, Michael.
  • Ben -5225939

    @Georges Duverger where you able to have your workspace moved? We have a similar case where we want to migrate a workspace to another instance or account. Eager to learn if you were able to move the workspace. Thanks!

  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    Hi @Ben -5225939 - this is a feature currently available to our Agency plans -

  • Paul S
    Paul S Member

    Does one need to change the endpoint's on the client side after you transfer the workspace? Or do those keep working?

  • Paul S
    Paul S Member

    @Michael Udinski Has this feature been moved somewhere.. I don't see it anymore?

  • Paul S
    Paul S Member
    edited March 2023

    Nevermind - found it.. It's in the agencies you manage instance, not the agency instance (a bit confusing tbh)

  • Paul S
    Paul S Member

    @Michael Udinski so we have to move all the endpoints client side once we transfer ownership? Seems that way

  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    Hey @Paul S the idea is you transfer the entire workspace to the Client so they host it on their instance. Ideally, you shouldn't be hosting client projects but instead use your Agency instance to begin the development of a client project until the hand-off is ready.

  • Paul S
    Paul S Member
    edited March 2023

    @Michael Udinski

    yeah, that's what I've done, but now that I've transfered it to the client instance, I need to change all the API endpoints on my frontend as they still reference my Agency instance?

  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    You are correct. Everything in the workspace, including the API endpoints, are moved to the Client Instance. So yes, you will need to update any endpoints connected in your front-end to point to the client instance now.

  • Paul S
    Paul S Member

    Thanks Michael.. appreciate your help as always.

    I'm not sure this is ideal.. as you know setting up api connections in bubble is a little fiddly and requires seeding the connection with data, then initialising. Doing this at the last moment, when you're ready to launch is a pain and introduces risk. In future, I would rather set up the client instance upfront and do the development there. Or maybe you should consider keeping the api endpoint the same when the transfer happens?

  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    Hey Paul - yes I'd definitely recommend development on the client instance - or at least transfer the workspace there once you're ready to start making the connections to a front end. Since each instance is its own dedicated server the endpoint URL has to change because the server is physically changing.

  • AGenova
    AGenova Member

    @Michael Udinski , sorry, but I've been building the database structure for a client in my particular account, just for a test, and now they want to transfer the whole workspace to their instance.
    I've seen that it is possible if I had a Agency account, but I haven't.
    Is it possible in any other way?
    Next time I'll build everything in my clients side, for sure.

  • Brian Giometti

    Is it possible to do a reverse agency transfer? i.e. from a client back into an agency?

  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    @Brian Giometti - it's only a one-way transfer for security reasons