How many records can be stored in the table?


There is a table that stores statistical data, and about 100,000 records are stacked now.

I think if there are more records, the driving speed or other unexpected problems may occur, so could you tell me how many records are appropriate for one table?

If we keep going like this, we'll be able to reach 1 million soon.

Am I worried too much?🤔


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Hi  database storage isn't measured by amount of records. Database storage uses high performance solid state drives (SSD). This storage is used only for the database schema, the metadata of each database record, and the indexes on the metadata. Any media references in the database records would be metadata only as the actual binary of this media is stored in separate media storage.

    You can monitor your database storage from the instance view. If you approach your overall limit you can always increase your DB storage.

    We've seen plenty of Xano users go well over 1 million records. I know  recently mentioned one of his use-cases scale scale to 10+ million records. 
  • Georges Duverger
    Georges Duverger Trusted Xano Expert
    That's right!

     I once had a database table with 13M (millions) records in it. I was using it to store user analytics events. I since cleared it but it was working just fine.
  • Ha heechul
    Ha heechul Member
    Thank you for your answer.  &  

    I am not a developer, so I think I was surprised that the number increased.

    Thank you Xano team for making a good service. 😉