How to automatically make a schedule

Hi there!
I'm making a schedule of lessons. The first lesson must be started now. Each next lesson starts on a date +2 days from the previous lesson's starting date. These dates must be written to the database like a timestamp.

How to make a schedule where the first lesson will start now and each next +2 days then previous? Thanks for any ideas!
I'm using functions:
1. Query all lessons
2. Run 'For each loop' function for each lesson in the array
3. Create variable with timestamp 'Now' +2 days (inside each loop function).
4. Add a scheduled record to the table with point 3 payload (inside each loop function)
5. Get issue with the first scheduled lesson because it has the date 'now +2'

[Снимок экрана 2022-08-23 в 16.35.25.png][Снимок экрана 2022-08-23 в 16.34.35.png]
