Request count by user

I'm LOVING the request logs. Use 'em all the time. As I'm starting to release my app into the wild, I'm going to be watching closely to understand what user personas emerge. My biggest question is, "Who is using the app the most?"

I see that I can filter the full request history by user to see how many requests have come through, which is great. It looks like I could hire an assistant to select each user every day and manually log their request count.

Or is there a way to see a list of users by request count?


  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭
    Yes, but it involves you capturing that data in your requests! How about an audit function you can slap into any of your endpoints that writes the user, the endpoint, and current time to a table, and then you can run all sorts of fun analytics on that? 
  • tomas randomas
    Where are these request logs? 🤔
  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭
     You can see recent requests to an endpoint by clicking on the hamburger (three-dots) menu in the upper-right and selecting the appropriate option. It's super helpful for debugging, but not for tracking usage patterns, which is why a custom capture-and-store approach with function and table is useful.
  • What I like to do personally is for any type of analytics I'd like to generate in the future, I create "ledger tables" where I track all user's activities on a particular topic. In my endpoints, I use an "Add Record" to add a record each time a specific user is taking an action in my app (an activity). Then, in the future, you can easily create any sort of report by doing a "Query All Records" with the user_id and group of filters that information with the filters or aggregate feature in the output section. CONs of this solution is you have you think about it from the very beginning (can't get past analytics). The PROs is that it's super easy to implement, and extremely flexible and powerful.