1.46.0 (September 8, 2022)

Sean Montgomery
Sean Montgomery Administrator


• new feature - 2FA security is now available for all Xano accounts!
• improvement - updated admin panel to Angular 14
• bug fix - adding a function to your function stack when using branches would cause an error when editing the original branch while having another branch live. 
• bug fix - adding a table reference input would have a spinning icon that wouldn't go away when adding additional inputs
• bug fix - Enterprise accounts with direct database access were sometimes seeing jsonb types on some database columns instead of bigint

see more release notes


  • Georges Duverger
    Georges Duverger Trusted Xano Expert
    Nice release! I just published a quick video (7:31) to go over the changes in this version (1.46.0), particularly the 2FA using 1Password.
  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


    awesome! love this. I was a little worried because there were a lot of bug fixes which are hard to test, but glad you could go through the 2FA process.