Transform number into date

New here so bear with me! I'm trying out WeWeb as my frontend builder and noticed when I pull in dates from xano, they appear has a number. From what I can tell, it seems best to transform the date to MM/DD/YYYY in Xano first and then call it over to WeWeb (I may be totally wrong here)... 

As for the data I'm displaying in WeWeb; my app allows businesses to create offers. Offers have a variety of data points, including a startDate and endDate. When I call the Get/ Offers in WeWeb, I'm able to see the offers as expected, but cannot filter out Offers that have an endDate that has passed. 

Does anyone have any guidance how to do this? Thank you!


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


     the number you are referring is a Unix timestamp (in milliseconds) which is what databases use to store time in a consistent manner. You can format these timestamps in Xano into any human-readable format you'd like to push to your front-end (in this case WeWeb). Check out more in our documentation:

    And below is a video of some different examples of formatting timestamps