Converting unicode text to ascii?

I have a table of world cities (Thanks Chris for helping with the csv upload!).  I need to concatenate a few fields together to make a lookup key so that I can capture data from a webhook. 

The problem is the world cities province field is not ascii characters, rather it is unicode. Is there a way to convert unicode to plain ascii characters using filters?  Or do I need to explore lamdas to do so?

Thanks in advance!
[Screen Shot 2022-09-22 at 10.48.21 PM.png]


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Hey  - I talked with the team and we are going to add a new filter in order to be able to do this. It should be available in the next release. I can update you here when it's ready. 
  • Chris Coleman
    Chris Coleman Administrator


    Hi again, ! We have a new filter called strip_accents that can now take care of this for you.