Request history is not getting logged

There is a PUT API which takes a big JSON object as request body. When trying to execute it, I'm getting the following error:

    "message":"Error parsing JSON: Syntax error\n\n{\t\F}m-9g@+H<-!L_yE"

Also, there is no request history that is available to debug. I have cross checked that the request body JSON is well formatted and there is no parsing error. Not able to identify why this error is coming?


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Hi  - possibly the JSON is invalid... Tough to say without knowing more! I'd recommend writing into support chat with the exact details.

    Keep in mind, request history only populates on live requests. Anything from the Run&Debug does not populate the request history - this is what the request history and tools like stop&debug do instead. 
  • Puneet Mathur
    I'm using postman for executing the API and still not the history is not displaying the request. I will write to support, as advised.
  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


     the json is definitely invalid, but it should show up in the request history. We have a fix for this that will be deployed in tomorrow's update.
  • Chris Coleman
    Chris Coleman Administrator


    Hi, ! We've pushed out an update so this shouldn't cause an issue with the request history in the future. Thank you!