1.46.2 (September 30, 2022)

Sean Montgomery
Sean Montgomery Administrator


edited November 2022 in ? Releases

• improvement - Run & Debug results are now more friendly to displaying large arrays of data - a subset of entries are now shown with the ability to view more if required

• improvement - addons were very sensitive to input errors and all addons would not process if any of them had an issue. Now only the addon with an input error will stop working.

• improvement - diffs and intersections on arrays now support nested objects instead of only scalars

• bug fix - fuzzy search was running into problems when the search query had a zero or double quotation character

• bug fix - the between filter for query all records was not working when the between value was an input or variable

• bug fix - request history was not properly storing requests that were resulting in an exception due to invalid json UTF8 characters

• bug fix - addons referencing deleted tables were causing all addons to stop working

• bug fix - referencing fields within a json field that have a description were causing errors in Query All Records

see more release notes
