Google Sign In using Xano and FlutterFlow

Hi !

I am building a mobile app in FlutterFlow and I am using Xano as my backend. I want to use Xano Google Oauth apis for authentication in my mobile app. Can anyone help me with that?


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Hi there -I'd recommend checking out this Google Sign-in video. It uses Bubble as the front-end but the concepts are exactly the same in regards to how Google sign-in works, so it should still definitely be helpful -

  • Moises Amselem
    Hi Michael, thanks for your answer but unfortunatelly it does not help me. In my case I would like to redirect after continue with my Google account to my mobile app and not a web URL. How I could do that?
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


     your mobile app will still need a redirect URI for Google to redirect your user from the Google hosted page back to your mobile app
  • Moises Amselem
    That is the point, how I should do to redirect from the google hosted page back to my mobile app? There is a tutorial on that?
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    That is a question for FlutterFlow. They need to provide a URI for the page that you are going to redirect to. You'll need to check if this is supported by them
  • Moises Amselem
    Ok thanks, i will check with FF support team
  • liam
    liam Member
     any update on this moises ? as far as i know flutterflow is a bit tricky if we're using auth other than firebase.
  • brunoxti
    brunoxti Member

    Hey guys, any update on this feature?.