No error log available for background tasks?

I'm currently trying to run a background task, that has to go through 20k iterations and on every iteration, pull api data and add this info to a database. For some weird reason it just always end in an error: unable to locate "variable". 

So I wanted to look trough the error logs, but they don't seem to exist?? it only gives a short message about the error?

Does Xano have any other logging functionality? And if not, could I add this myself using some sort of 3rd party?


  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭
    Not built-in, but I've worked with people to build event logs using the xano database and a simple function. It's a pretty easy pattern to work with - some simple data logged to a table can tell you a lot in debugging these kinds of situations. 
  • Martin -6168405
    Hi Ray, 
    After writing this post, I did exactly that and it works pretty well! Just a bit annoying that xano has no build in logging system to find-out exactly whats going wrong. Would be nice to have a dashboard, showing you exactly which task is having errors and to be able to go in deep and see what needs to be fixed. But this will work in the meantime.

    Thanks for your time!