Bubble Xano Google auth error coming 403 : access denied

I am trying to authenticate users with Google continue, my Google init is working, but Google continue is showing error, 403 denied. 

If I am trying Google sign in through bubble than it's working well but when I am trying through Xano Google continue api call is showing acess denied. I also tried decoding the code I got to see if my web browser is decoding it in some manner, but the error is still coming. 


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


     are you generating a brand new code each time? Codes are one-time use only. Also does your code start with "4/"?
  • shravan boloor

    Yes even I am getting this error and my code is starting with 4 which looks like this 4%2F0AfJohXkFZGO1c5b2HHCipPs4Nq8Vmra7RoONtzH0sNzolJml33bG2JpQodDtJkYYAYaMoQ how can I resolve it.