Multiple CSV in tar.gz - Is it possible to get data?

If I send a single example.tar.gz which contains 2x CSV files, is it possible to get the data out of those CSV files in Xano?


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Hi  not currently. However, once we get new Lambda support it will allow you to have access to npm all libraries for this kind of functionality... But I do not have an ETA on new Lambda support yet
  • Sam Bevis
    Sam Bevis Member

    this is amazing news! Full access to all npm packages will fix the SFTP access, then also the .tar.gz extract - very very excited. Is there somewhere where I can follow this to be alerted once released?
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


     it will be considered a major release so as long as you are not unsubscribed to our regular emails then you will definitely hear about it! 
  • Brandon Hassler
     This is very likely a dumb question, but would this update allow for the use of SDK libraries such as these ones from Amazon?
  • Sam Bevis
    Sam Bevis Member
     on that amazon link, they have a NodeJS NPM package:
  • Brandon Hassler
     does this mean what I think it means?![5VKbvrjxpVJCM.gif]
  • Walter Haydock

    Related question: is it possible to simply extract a single .csv from a tar.gz accessed via a GET request? If so, how?