Getting a '{"code":"ERROR_CODE_NOT_FOUND","message":"Unable to locate request."}' with Apple Sign In


I'm getting an error below after I click on Continue on the Apple page and instead of getting the Xano token as is shown in the tutorial, the error pops up.
{"code":"ERROR_CODE_NOT_FOUND","message":"Unable to locate request."}I've been following the tutorial in a slow and thorough fashion so not sure where this might be coming from. 

Can anyone point me in the right direction of where to look here? I've configured the snippet with all of my credentials from the Apple account and otherwise set everything up on the Apple side exactly how Chris shows it in the tutorial. I also have the $99/year Developer account and everything seems to be setup correctly with Apple.


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Unable to locate request typically means the API Endpoint URL does not exist in your workspace / branch. Please carefully check the spelling for typos, extra characters, or extra spaces where you've entered your endpoint URL
  • Vadim Vozmitsel
     Hi Michael, thank you for the quick tip. I used the Endpoint URL that is found in the 'Endpoint URL' in my API that I got from the snippet.
    I just triple checked it and everything looks good. Is the URI that needs to be added into the Run & Debug "redirect_uri" not supposed to be the Endpoint URL from this call?
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    the redirect uri would be the uri in your front-end that the Apple sends your user to after authorizing Apple their Apple Account -- this would not be your endpoint URL
  • Vadim Vozmitsel
     Ok got it, this was my suspicion. I haven't tried this on Bubble's end yet and just wanted to follow the video and set everything up on Xano's side but that makes sense what you mentioned above. Will try this now and thank you again for the quick support 🙏
  • Mamad
    Mamad Member

    Hi @Vadim Vozmitsel , i'm having the same issue , have find the solution to solve this ?