MagicLink Extension Breaks with Emails like <email>+<testalias>

If you head to the MagicLink demo(, and type an email like, the frontend rejects the input. 

We implemented the extension on our app, and using an email like this for testing results in a 400 error from Xano. My guess is it is because the magiclink extension expects url parameters to not contain '+' symbols. 

Is this a fixable request?


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    hi  - front-end demo doesn't seem to accept the "+" format for the input box. The front-end demo is a little out-dated but is just to be used as an example.

    On the other hand, I have found no issue with the API accepting a "+" in the email name. You should have no limitation from Xano implementing this into your app. 

    Can you please check your API request history to see why the 400 error is being triggered?