My "How To Connect Bubble And Xano (Professionally)" Guide - Part 2

Felipe Letelier
Felipe Letelier Member
edited October 2022 in ? Connect Xano to ...

Hi all!

I just finished recording the videos of the second part of my guide of how to connect Bubble and Xano. In it I review different authentication methods you can use for different use cases, to be more specific I cover 3 scenarios:

  • No user authentication is required but you still want to protect your Endpoints. (video)
  • User authentication is required, but you don't need much control over the sessions (we let Bubble handle this). (video)
  • User authentication is required, but we need control over the sessions, like the number of browsers/devices that can be connected to the same account at the same time and how long the session will last. (video)

Here is the Blog post with the guide and the tuorial videos in it.

Also, I would like to introduce my new plugin that helps you to manage easier your app versions and the tokens in case you decide to store them in local storage.

I hope you find it useful!
