How to use Xano's Auth0 extension in front end?



I am trying to make my users sign in via Auth0 on my front end (Weweb) and for that user data to populate in the Xano user table. I want to append my user table with some more data pulled in from external APIs.

I've completed setting up the Auth0 extension in Xano and the demo works. The users populate in both Auth0 and my Xano user database. Weweb has an Auth0 plug in but it doesn't populate the Xano backend, only the Auth0 user database.

I'm wondering if the only way is to use JS to create a xano login like the xano-webflow tutorial? I'm not sure how to navigate that code in github to adjust it and make it work for auth0.

Any ideas?



  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    Hey @Owsteen that would make sense that if you use WeWeb's auth0 plugin nothing populates in Xano because WeWeb's plugin does not talk to Xano auth0 extension.

    You need to set your redirect URI to be the page in your WeWeb front-end that you want the user to land on after going to the auth0 page. auth0 will attach a code in the URL which WeWeb must parse and use as an input for the Xano API... you can also check out this tutorial of Google OAuth and Bubble - the concepts are exactly the same