How to extract a section of a URL?


I'm positive Xano has an easy(ish) way of doing this, but I just can't land my finger on it.

I have a list of Amazon URL's that I'm needing to extract the ASIN values from. Luckily, in this list Amazon always has the ASIN following the /dp/ folder. See here:

I'd like to avoid using regex as much as possible here, but with this predictable pattern, is there an easy way to grab that portion of the URL?


Best Answer

  • Brandon Hassler
    Brandon Hassler Member
    Answer ✓

    I actually just found another answer in here from the brilliant @Ray Deck that (I think) answered my question. You can read his response here and below you can see how I ended up implementing it. If there is a better way anybody knows about, by all means let me know!