changed db field name and lost field records. Reverting to previous version does not recover


my database table #37 was called cover_images and i changed it to default images but when i changed a field name, similarly, which contained images, i lost them. Try to go back to previous version i don't see the images. Can you help me get back the images

Best Answer

  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Answer ✓

    Hi @mohan ramanujam there is a warning for this when you go to change the name of your field:

    Version history is only of your schema - not of your data.

    Xano automatically performs backups of your instance every 24 hours, for a running total of 3 (paid plans only). Keep in mind, a backup is of the entire instance. If you'd like to restore from a back up please reach out directly to support