Long term xano mentor to hire.

liam Member ✭
edited November 2022 in ?‍? Find an Expert

I am building a no code education platform, we got a lot of tractions, some of them are small to medium companies. Currently most of our clients are built with glideapps.

i already have a long term glideapp expert and now i am looking for a long term xano mentor to guide and work with me with projects.

Both of us will be doing A LOT of projects together.

Ideally the mentor should keep up with xano's updates and can provide proof that he/she has developed semi to complex backend with xano.

My definition of "complex" is

  1. authentication ( google, magic link ) ( Must have )
  2. payment gateway other than stripe ( Must have )
  3. adding analytics such as amplitude or mixpanel ( Must have )
  4. complex structure for nested queries ( Must have )
  5. integration with 3rd party ex: google maps api , zapier ( Must have )
  6. integrating with iOT ( Nice to have )
  7. chat feature ( Nice to have )

I have coding background, we can skip the basics. My timezone is UTC+7

This is a PAID mentorship, please DM me if anyone would like to be a mentor and do projects together in the future.

Looking forward πŸ™‚

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