Edit all users of a table with a single DB query [EDIT ALL RECORD]

Federico Somaschini
Federico Somaschini Member
edited November 2022 in ? Transforming data


I'm setting up a cron-job where every week I would edit the field counter of all users back to zero. I wouldn't like to do this with a FOR cycle because Is probably not ideal and not fair for some users to get the counter to 0 prior to others, I'd like to do this with a simple DB query, is that something possible with Xano? :) It would be an Edit all record instead of Query all record

Best Answer

  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Answer ✓

    We don't yet have this type of function you've described. However, it is on the roadmap to add more bulk functionality - similar to bulk add records.

    One recommendation could be to perform your background task during a time of day when it's unlikely they are active like midnight, for example
