Looking to hire a Xano freelancer (global)

Wes Wagner
Wes Wagner Member
edited November 2022 in ?‍? Find an Expert

Xano team—forgive me if this is the wrong place to put this. Let me know where would be better suited.

Hi all,

I'm looking to hire a Xano freelancer for an ongoing client project, ideally one that is familiar with taking advantage of the features on Xano's scale plan—test data environment and API branching specifically—and integrating Xano with WeWeb.

I've been working with this client for ~4 months or so and doing the back-end development in Xano and front-end in WeWeb. I'm currently working with a WeWeb freelancer who has taken over the majority of the front-end work, but I'm still the only back-end dev.

Ideally, I'd like to hire someone for 5 hours a week as we see how we work together and scale up from there (probably a max of 10, maybe 15 hours a week). The ideal candidate...

  • Loves and is very apt at using Xano
  • Knows JavaScript (to occassionally help on the WeWeb side of things when custom JS is needed, but this would also signal to me that you know programming fundamentals well)
  • Familiar with using Xano's branching and test data features
  • Good communicator (async/written//Loom videos especially)

As you would come on, I would focus more of my time and energy on product/project management with the client, defining requirements, etc, which would mean you would have a pretty clear picture of what additional endpoints, functionality, adjustments etc. would be built.

About me: I'm a former startup generalist turned indie developer/entrepreneur. I have a "micro-agency", Rarely Decaf, where we act as the outsourced tech team for SMBs. Over the past few months, I've scaled down my client work to focus on this single client that has a lot of ongoing needs. I pride myself in my communication and setting clear expectations. Here's what one of my current contractors has to say about working together.

Shoot me an email at wes@rarelydecaf.com if you're interested in chatting!

