New Category: Find an Expert ?‍? 

Michael Udinski
Michael Udinski Administrator


edited January 2023 in ?‍? Find an Expert

With more and more backends being powered by Xano there is becoming an increasing need for the community to connect with Xano experts, coaches, and devs. Although you can hire a Xano partner for the development of your project, sometimes you need something less involved.

If you're looking to hire and connect with someone who can provide consultation or help with your Xano project, then use this category. If you are looking to hire a development partner to build in Xano for you, please fill out this form instead, and a team member will get in contact with you.



  • evanwaller

    I’ve been working with Xano for 9-10 months, and I’m looking for more opportunities expand my skills and gain more exposure to different business models. If you are looking for someone affordable to do Xano contracting work, please reach out to me.

  • liam
    liam Member

    I am looking for a xano expert to help me build an accounting module similar to and we're going to build 20 - 40% of freshbook's feature.

    DM me if interested.

  • evanwaller

    Hey Liam,

    I hope you’re doing well.

    I am interested in learning more about this potential opportunity. I have worked with Xano for just over 10 months now and have released an iOS app as of recently using Xano as my backend.

    If you are interested in sharing more details with me, my email is

    I look forward to your response.
