Get Data By Current Day (With Timezone Knowledge)


The app I am building needs to query data from specific days, relative to the user's timezone. (I assume this is a common need).

Thus far, I am using XANO's timestamp_epoch_day filter to be able to do this - however the data is queried relative to the UTC day, and not from user's start of day (ending at midnight) relative to their timezone.

To do this I would need to incorporate the user's Timezone or Offset which I can send from the frontend (draftbit). Is there a good way to handle this in Xano? I have yet to find a way - but I assume there is a best practice here. Thank you!


  • Mark
    Mark Member

    @Michael Udinski Any insight you have here would be amazing. Thanks!

  • nocodetalks
    nocodetalks Member ✭✭

    @Mark if you can send the user's timezone from the front end, then why not send the start date - end date (in UTC) from the front end and get the data from xano based on that.