Is anyone else using Retool to build front ends?


I have been looking around for a suitable internal tool builder for my small business.

I have looked at quite a few platforms and am 99% decided on

Is anyone else using Retool? Or if you are using something else and you think it's worth a look, please let me know.

Also, on my short list were and


  • nocodetalks
    nocodetalks Member ✭✭

    @Brett Lewis have you look on Bubble too?

  • Brett Lewis

    Hey @nocodetalks

    Many thanks for the suggestion.

    I have looked at - it is not too far off in many respects.

    Both are powerful and flexible, but I don't need that depth of customisation from a UI perspective, for my internal apps

    For client-facing apps, I'd probably look at weweb before bubble - it just made more sense to me to build in. But having said this, I've not been into bubble in the recent past, so it's probably evolved since then. When they had the big price change, my focus moved away from bubble.