500 Error: Invalid Name: mvpw1:4


Getting a 500 error when calling a GET endpoint that should be returning a single record in a table called Courses. The endpoint ends in /course/{id}.

The error message is: Invalid name: mvpw1:4



  • pete letkeman


    I had something like this before, my solution was to double-check that everything had a value and that value is of the expected type.

    I suggest that you add some if before the query to make sure that {id} is what you expect. The debugger can also help out with this.

  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭

    @pete letkeman has a great idea! If you click the "3 dots" menu in the upper-right you can view the recent request history for the endpoint. Pick one that has the 500 error. Look for the input - what was sent? Look also at the URL to make sure the dynamic value part (e.g. the {id}) looks correct. For example, if "id" needs to be a number, but the front-end sends a non-numeric string, that could be a challenge.

    But we start with looking! If you share a screenshot we might be able to help faster too.