Xano - Ably - Bubble

Eric DELOBEL-6030557
edited November 2022 in Bubble

Hey guys,

We develop a plugin on bubble to synchronize realtime data between Bubble and Xano.

Xano is powerful :

  • Condition and data privacy easy to set up.
  • Fuzzy search
  • Large database operations
  • Addons to build the perfect API call

All of that is already built and set up by Xano.

But when you want to use Xano and Bubble, you face a challenge to update in realtime data from xano to bubble.

We realize that the need is larger on the bubble side because it can concern any external database source.

We will use Ably API to manage the real time / pub sub service. And create a plugin to manage datasource in bubble.

The flow : Publish in bubble or any other front end / data source -> Xano -> Ably (existing integration) -> Bubble (Update list of a datasource).

We build this plugin for an internal use but if enough people are interested we can publish it on the plugin bubble market place.

Good coding sessions!

And 👏👏 to the Xano team for the new website and for this funding round !



  • nocodetalks
    nocodetalks Member ✭✭

    @Eric DELOBEL-6030557 can you share the plugin with me? Happy to check it out.

  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    Hey @Eric DELOBEL-6030557 - that sounds awesome, I'd love to give it a go. Or see a tutorial of it in action 😊

  • mikki
    mikki Member

    Great idea @Eric DELOBEL-6030557 👍️ - very much needed. Will gladly chip in, in any way we can, if desired.

  • zedman
    zedman Member

    Hi @Eric DELOBEL-6030557 I am also very interested in this plugin :)

  • Algen
    Algen Member


  • Matheus Gamboa

    We urgently need this solution 🤑

  • Future
    Future Member


  • mack
    mack Member

    Very interested this what I've been looking for.

  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    Hi @Eric DELOBEL-6030557 — seems like there's a ton of interest here! Any chance you can share more details :)

  • endrefyl
    endrefyl Member

    Hi! Any news on this one? It would be extremly helpful and open so many possibilities :)

  • Eric DELOBEL-6030557

    Hi everyone,

    Sorry for the delay and thanks a lot for your messages 😉

    During the build with ably, we made some tests on bubble about a possible workaround. And this one works so well that we did'nt finished our ably integration at all.

    Here is what we did, if that could help some of you. Our integration is built with Bubble for the front end + user management and Xano for the backend.

    // Bubble as a realtime capability already embed.

    // Bubble refresh any API call if something change, the xano plugin has the same behaviour.

    1. So we created a table on bubble : "Refresh" with these fields : [xano_id of the data we want to be refreshed, last_update that is a timestamp of the last change made on this data]. The tab is really light and you can preload it on a group on page load if you want.
    2. Everytime a data is changed from a user on bubble, we update the Refresh table with the current date/time
    3. In our call to xano we add a parameter : "refresh" (could be anything else) with the timestamp as a value.
    4. This way if the value of the refresh table change (and this change is in realtime, thanks to bubble), the api call is refreshed.

    So we have realtime changes on every opened clients with a xano backend integration. And bubble is smart enough to refresh only the element that has changed. In our case a user can like a post and bubble don't reload everything just to display this +1 in one post. So it works this way for us.

    Hope this is helpfull :)

  • endrefyl
    endrefyl Member

    Thank you! :)