Add an API Endpoint into XANO API Group through Figma


Hi there, is there any possible FIGMA plugin in the works that would make API Endpoint creation more efficient for Designers turned noCODE developers?

Bravo NoCode builder for example invested in the Bravoizer Figma Plugin that migrates Figma Layers into compatible data for the Bravo Tool. They then have a XANO Wizard which seemingly creates these API Endpoint creation process within their builder.

Instead of waiting for the noCODE builders to create a Wizard (Bubble, Draftbit, BRavo) I'd very much appreciate something that allows designers working in the most prevalent design tool (Figma) to create these endpoints in Figma.

Even a simple plugin that allows us to sign into our account and then "create New API" but have it all inside Figma would allow us to not have to switch back and forth between environments.
