What value needs to be used for the host field in Namecheap? (Custom Domain Setup)


Hi @Michael Udinski,

What value do I use in the host field when adding the DNS record to my Namecheap hosting DNS section?

The docs and the contextual floater for the CNAME record add specify to 'CREATE CNAME RECORD TO -> my unique Xano URL. Then I also get that the TTL value needs to be set to 5 minutes. Type CNAME is also self explanatory, but nowhere does it mention as to what value to use for the host field (see attached screenshot).

It will not allow me to leave that value blank.


  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭

    Usually you are connecting "api" to the domain of your xano instance (e.g. "abc1-def2-ghij.n6.xano.io"). The TTL of 5 minutes is fine. Make sure to add the "api.mydomain.com" (where mydomain.com is the domain you are managing in namecheap) to Xano so it sets up the certificate for you.

  • Vadim Vozmitsel

    @Ray Deck Hello Ray, thank you very much! Appreacits the feedback, will set it up in this way ASAP.

  • Vadim Vozmitsel

    Hi @Ray Deck sorry, I’m still a bit lost. Here is what I’ve done:

    I’ve added my domain name prepended with api (api.launchhaus.co) to the host value and then added my XANO instance name (xye6-d9aq-oxtp.n7.xano.io) to the Value field in the Namecheap CNAME record. TTL is set to 5, but still am getting an error when I click submit in XANO. I’m also adding www.launchhaus.co and also tried it without the www.

    thank you for your patience 🙏🏻

  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭

    I checked the DNS for launchhaus.co using DNS checker (https://dnschecker.org/all-dns-records-of-domain.php?query=launchhaus.co&rtype=ALL&dns=google) and it appears that whatever you have added might not have taken effect. I see no CNAME records at all! Possible that there is a save button or some such that got missed? A loom video might tell the story in greater detail that could help us track this down for you.

    Custom DNS setup has also been part of our daily office hours in State Change Pro - we cover these kinds of harder questions. And each registrar is a little different with their setup, so looking together can help a lot!

  • Vadim Vozmitsel

    Hi @Ray Deck Thank you for pointing this out, that is indeed very strange as to none of my CNAME's are showing up.

    As you can see in the linked video below, I have close to a dozen CNAME records mapped to the domain inside the Namecheap DNS Manager portal. But none of them are showing up in DNS checker, which is concerning.

    I've also submitted a support request to Namecheap to see if they can explain what is happening from their side, seems like this is an issue to do with their setup as DNS checker is unlikely to be wrong like this.

    Sounds good in regards to State Change Pro OH, I will consider joining.

    Reproduction Video: https://share.cleanshot.com/LrUnHW

  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭

    Progress! I currently can get a response on http://api.launchhaus.co.launchhaus.co/ which is not what you are going for. Let's try changing the host value to just "api".

    You'll also notice that the preceding is an "HTTP" and not "HTTPS". That's because we don't have the certificate lined up on the xano side. Let's first try getting api.launchhaus.co to go somewhere, and then get Xano to respect it.

    I wonder if Xano is seeing the same lack of update that the other DNS checkers are, but it doesn't matter until we have confidence that the inputs are good.