Jetboost + Xano?

Mason Member

Can I use Jetboost for filtering my front end while loading my data from Xano?

I want to do two things on my webflow app

1) Load my data from Xano onto my front end. Trying to do that from this video (thanks Prakash)

2) Filter results using Jetboost. (Here is JetBoost if you haven't seen it

Is this possible? Any tips?

Best Answer

  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    edited November 2022 Answer ✓

    Hey @Mason as long as Jetboost can consume an API then you can connect Xano to it. Although, is there any reason why you want to use Jetboost for filtering instead of Xano? Xano tends to be excellent at filtering its data and can do so dynamically


  • Mason
    Mason Member

    Thank you Michael! I appreciate the help. If you have any videos breaking down how to filter with Xano on the front end I would greatly appreciate it

    I don’t have a particular reason for using jetboost other than I am a very amateur developer who relies heavily on no code tools.

    I’m trying to bootstrap my company so just trying to get the MVP out and just looking at best solutions for V1.

  • Marvin Kaunda

    @Michael Udinski any news on that? Looking for the same solution as I'm using but I think it would be more interesting for me to use Xano to track what people are filtering by.

  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    Hi @Marvin Kaunda tracking what people are filtering by? You could accomplish this with a ledger table that adds a record each time someone filters by some term. Then use Xano to aggregate this table if you want to see what sort of filters are most used, etc.