Secret Key Xano

Dorian A
Dorian A Member
edited November 2022 in ? Security

Hello everyone,

We plan to use Xano to manage our app data. However, to ensure maximum security for users, we would like to use the security functions as indicated here:

Is it possible to save secret keys outside of Xano and/or outside of environment variables?

Thanks in advance


Best Answers


  • Dorian A
    Dorian A Member

    Thanks for the answer,

    It's reassuring.

    Sorry to bother you with an other question, where can I store a token like that via an external API ?


  • Dorian A
    Dorian A Member
    edited November 2022

    Other question,

    Since Xano is based on Google Cloud Platform, is it possible to use Google KMS to manage the key ?

    Thank you

  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭

    Hey @Dorian A, sorrty to miss the prior Q. You could use either service, but Xano doesn't have an "inside track" with Google products, so it would be the same HTTP API as any other service. I'd try to use a relatively simple key-value store and maybe store data on there encrypted using a key you have on Xano. That way a compromise on the KV store wouldn't expose your keys, and you could cut off whoever is using Xano from your store by just invalidating the API key Xano uses to talk to it. Double locks on your keys.