Tranform_timestamp = Blank



I'm trying to manipulate timestamp but it always ends with blank cell.

I'm trying to add days to a timestamp

The input "duration" cointains data like "+X days".

What am I doing wrong please ? Even if i manually "+3 days" without using the input, i hav a weird result. For example if i try to add 3 days from today, it ends with a date like 4th of november 1970 😓.

HS : but do you know why i can't see any of the image posted on this forum ? I only have [file.png].



  • nocodetalks
    nocodetalks Member ✭✭
    edited November 2022


    I tried it, and it works perfectly for me.

    check emails_order.rentel_end is of type "timestamp or date".

    I think xano is not able to understand its type, it is recognised as the "any"

  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭

    To get a view on this, try adding a stop and debug before this line in your function stack. have it reveal the variable "emails_order". This will give you a direct view of what the emails_order.rental_end looks like. It might be a string like "2022-11-17T20:54:03+00:00" or some such that requires translation to a timestamp (parse_timestamp would help with that run before transform_timestamp.)

    You're in good company - dates are one of those things that are often hard in all sorts of technical projects, so it's ok to slow down and take a look! We deal with these kinds of sticking points often during our daily State Change Pro office hours.

  • Shirley
    Shirley Member

    Thanks you for your fast answers. Those helped a lot. i manageg to fix the problem.
