Auth0 - authenticate against current users in Xano


Hi Folks,

Total newby here.

I've followed the tutorials and managed to connect Xano + Bubble + Auth0.

It successfully creates and logs a new user in via the Google and MS sign up methods, however, I can't figure out how to log an existing Xano user in.

I enter an email of an existing Xano user record and get the error 'Wrong email or password'.

In checking the Request history, there are no calls to the /oauth/auth0/continue or /basic_auth/me endpoints.

Can someone please direct me to how I authenticate login for an existing user in Xano?





  • Pawel Magdanski
    Pawel Magdanski Member ✭✭✭

    Can You show Bubble workflow for this sign-in?

  • mlovell
    mlovell Member

    Is it simply the Xano User data must also exist in Auth0?

    Therefore, the data must be imported using either; custom database connections, the Auth0 Management API, or the User Import/Export Extension?

  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    Hey @mlovell - yes the idea of OAuth is a user can use the credentials they already have in another service (i.e. Google, Microsoft, Facebook, etc. etc.) to authenticate to your application. So for example, if your user goes to authenticate to your site with Google but doesn't have a Google account, they would need to first sign up for a Google account in order to use that authentication method - the same would apply for auth0.